first entry! it's never easy to start something like this. i don't think it'll get worse than writing my introduction paragraph on the main page though. that felt like one of those lame "tell the class your name and a fun fact about yourself" type of activities they used to make us do in grade school.
even though i decided to start writing this today, i actually don't have much to talk about. i kinda just studied for school and fucked around in kidpix for a while.

i should probably start working on making this page look as nice as the main page. i don't think i'll make any of this public until i get around to that, so by the time anyone who isn't me reads this, i think i'll have this place all fixed up.

i have a 101 degree fever today. it sucks, but there's nothing i can really do besides rest and eat this giant bag of grapes my dad bought me.
yesterday was fun, at least. my friend and i made brownies and played mario party. we were on the same team, and we lost by a landslide. 7-3 i think. we could never roll the right amount to land on a star space. probably the worst luck i've ever had in any video game.

today is stink's (estimated) 12th birthday. she seems ambivalent but that is to be expected because she is a cat
i've been eating nothing but grapes sardines and pasta for the past few weeks because they're the only things that don't seem to give me hives, but yesterday i decided to try a subway sandwich to see how my body would react.
i am very itchy